Sunday, August 3, 2008

California Soul

I heard this song in a Dockers commercial, of all places. Turns out that they used all of the good parts in the commercial, and the rest of the song isn't so great - not much going on after about the first 30 seconds. We've made a rap song using just the cool part of the song, though it needs some tweaking before I send it out into the world.


  1. You and about a million other rappers... Just playin', but it's been on mixtapes and shows up in various places on older hip-hop albums (Check The Technique by Gangstarr, for instance). For the record, I think the whole song is great. For something similar along these lines try and find the cover by A Group Called Smith of "I Just Wanna Make Love To You". More psychadelic while still being funky. Plus, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been sampled yet... I'll try to hook you up with some loops.

  2. ...Adding, you might here some loops you like/recognize in this mix:

    PK Holdings, Inc. just so happens to have a rather deep library of sample sources...
